By Angeline Zimbwani Mikiri.
The beginning of 2021 was marred by a number of challenges, from family to business. It was a year that started with uncertainties which when I look back I see the grace of God. Those who were close can attest to what I am saying but that is a story of another day. When the covid 19 pandemic came we thought it was a flue that would just passed through, however with time we later realized we had to live with it. Like any other family I was negatively affected by the pandemic where I lost very close members of my family to covid pandemic. It was a horrendous situation which was very hard to bear. I later got tested positive with covid 19. To make matters worse I was with my 2 girls Makomborero (12) and Mazvita (10). I cannot even explain the physical and the emotional pain I went through.
I would like to pay tribute to my 2 little daughters for taking good care of me during that time. When I broke the news to them I thought they would get scared and avoid me. Even if it was the only possible thing for them to do, they made sure that I got the attention that I needed. They were more like angels who were sent by God to look after me.
For those who went through this would agree with me that you hardly sleep, loss of appetite, the body pain, the hot body temperature, the headache. I thought I would not make it. My kids prayed for me day and night, made sure I take food and medication though it was some hard to bear,they would wake up at night to check whether I was still breathing. News of loved ones dying due to covid kept on pouring in, all I could do was nothing but to wait on God to do his will on me. I had no choice but to face my fears, there was nothing but to endure and hope to be ok one day. Because of the high death rates of covid 19, fear gripped on me and wondered if I could make it.A lot was on my mind.I just kept on lying on my bed believing that God would do a miracle. It was 3 weeks of pain but I managed to recover. I would want to pay tribute to family members, friends who kept on checking and praying for me.
Despite all the pain I went through God was doing something great.
I got a call from Women Entrepreneurship Day Organization (WEDO) PAN African Office in South Africa telling me that I had been nominated as one of the best WEDO Ambassadors in Africa. WEDO is a global movement headquartered at the United Nations and to promote women empowerment.
As is it was not enough, The Institute of Corporate Directors and Boards in Zimbabwe called me and told me that I had been nominated among top 50 Inspirational women in Zimbabwe. How my name ended up at such a top Level only God knows.
The Ministry of Higher and Tertiary Education Science and Technology appointed me on the Business advisory Board for Masvingo Polytechnic one of the big Tertiary Institutions in Zimbabwe.
Despite all the setbacks I have had in my journey, I have come to realize that there are seasons in life. The only thing you can do when the season is bad is work towards your goal ,remain resolute and believe that it shall end. When the season is good, thank God, remain humble and continue with your journey of greatness.